Are You Mad About Democrats? Republicans? Everybody?

Are You Mad About Democrats? Republicans? Everybody?

We’ve entered the political season full force, and judging by social media, it’s time to ask ourselves:  Do our political views make us hate people on the other side, or despise them, or feel contempt for their views?  If so, we need to take a step back and see what’s going on in our minds and hearts.  

God has made it clear that other people are not the enemy.  He said “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  Ephesians 6:12

I know political views can engender strong passions.  But what I see happening on social media so often is bad faith.  It’s people assuming the worst of other people.  We jump to conclusions about their beliefs and turn what might be nuanced views into outrageous positions, accusing them of being “baby killers,” or “Marxists,” or “supporters of child sex trafficking,” or “racists.”

The memes make it all so much worse.  When I post a snarky political meme that disrespects the people with differing viewpoints from me, I certainly don’t help bring them over to my side.  I alienate them more.  And if someone is on the fence, I am more likely to push them over to the other side by my mean-spiritedness.  Why would they want to believe like me when it results in such a mean, and probably angry, anxious  person?  

I think the point of a democracy is for us to find a way to live together in relative peace with people who have different beliefs.  We are not all going to think the same.  But we can find a way to have rational, civil discourse. We can respect each others’ views and freedom to choose our own beliefs.  

I will post about my political beliefs and challenge others, but I will make a vow to you that I will try to do it in respect.  I strongly disagree with many people I love dearly, but at least I know them personally and that helps me love them despite our differing views.  “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”  I Peter 4:8.

That "Gentle and Quiet Spirit"

That "Gentle and Quiet Spirit"

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Are You Mad About Everything Covid-19 Right Now?