I Am A Pro-Life Christian.  This Is Why I Voted Democrat.

I Am A Pro-Life Christian. This Is Why I Voted Democrat.

I Am A Pro-Life Christian. This Is Why I Am Voting Democrat.

I don't like most political posts. I "snooze" or unfollow a lot of people on FB during election seasons. But I also feel like it's important for us to have civil discussions about civic things, so I do occasionally post political views. I realize a lot of Christians have internal conflict about how to vote in national elections because for years Christians have been convinced that we must vote pro-life, and this is an issue that's dear to the heart of many people. It is to me, but I cannot let it be the only issue that determines my vote when there are other moral issues that are equally important. So for the last 30 years, I have voted both Republican and Democrat in presidential elections, struggling each time to balance the moral issues in each party's platform. This is why I voted Democrat this year.

1) I believe God is deeply concerned for the poor. It's mentioned far more times in the Bible than most other issues, more than conservative issues like abortion or LGBTQ or gun ownership. The Republicans are not kind to the poor with their policies. Line up all the verses on taking care of the poor one one side (over 300) and the verses for providing for your own family (1) and you see God's emphasis.

2) I believe we should be loyal to our own citizens by providing health care for everyone. It doesn't make sense that insurance is connected to certain types of jobs. Teachers, who I think have important jobs, have really good insurance. Nurses, who have equally important jobs, may not have insurance at all, ironically. I have family members in this quandary. My friend who is a family therapist also doesn't have insurance. We need to protect our people.

3) I believe we need to protect everyone with greater gun control, but especially our school children. I think gun ownership and hunting are fine, but the NRA's all-or-nothing stance on regulations is literally killing us.

4)Scripture is very clear on protecting the alien and the refugee. It was a black mark against anyone in the Old Testament who didn't show hospitality and protection and concern for immigrants. I was heartbroken and astonished and totally disillusioned by Trump and the Republicans in their treatment of the people who came desperately seeking asylum and refuge and a new life here in America. They wanted to be Americans and we separated them from their children and put them in squalid compounds! That's the most unAmerican thing I've ever heard of.

5) Scripture always requires defending the weaker or less powerful, whether it's the poor in court, or orphans and widows, or aliens, etc. The Democratic party seems to be far more cognizant of this and trying to implement it, while the Republican party turns a blind eye to it, often creating laws that place more power in the hands that already have power.

6) I can't support the death penalty the way it is currently implemented in the US. Far too many innocent people convicted. The system is flawed. Besides, it makes more sense as a Christian to support life in prison to give the perpetrators time to repent.

I know plenty of you will disagree with me. It seems like we are divided almost 50/50 in the US. This is what I ask of you who disagree: please do not assume I am deceived by the media or party leaders or Satan. I study my Bible, I pray about the issues, I read and listen to other people and sources, and then I make the choice I feel is right. I know many of you have wrestled over all the issues yourselves, and you may come to a different decision. No matter who is elected, I don't think America is going to fall apart unless we turn on each other. Let us please act toward the other side the way we want them to act toward our side. Respect*kindness*love.

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